Quality management that earns the trust of consumers using skills that are equivalent to food manufacturers

Because we are a food trading company that handles a wide range of agricultural products, we do not want to leave the measures to ensure safety and reliability up solely to local producers and suppliers. Resarch & Development, Quality Control Center is the driving force behind our quality assurance (QA) efforts. Aiming to implement quality management that surpasses that of typical trading companies, we have thoroughly adopted a method of customer satisfaction management that is in line with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO9001 (quality management system). Our staff members participate in regular HACCP training to improve their skills and to obtain HACCP Inspector qualification. Quality management equivalent to that of food manufacturers is indispensable for not only observing compliance as a company, but also earning the trust of consumers as we aim to enter the processed food domain.

Frontline focused quality management
Taking on the new challenge of product development

When internally registering a new product, a specialty team first inspects the local production site and plant. We conduct business with more than 300 suppliers in over 20 countries, and our stance is always the same. In the case of processing plants, we conduct production checks and verifications of standard products, manage hygiene, and provide guidance. A new initiative taken on by the Research & Development, Quality Control Center is product development from a consumer perspective.

We analyze dozens of types of rice annually and create data in collaboration with the Rice Divisions. By providing guidance to both Japanese and overseas suppliers based on such data, it became possible to propose rice that meets the needs of consumers and develop new blended rice.